Monday, July 9, 2007

Oh, those Cornish Hills!

Two days of up hill, down dale through Cornwall. You can't even get a fast run down the other side as the hedges are high and the lanes narrow! Beautiful though. A night spent at the friendly Falmouth Backpackers and a visit to Ice (the makers of the trike) made the detour to Falmouth well worth while. Heading for our first camp site at Columb St. Major, east of Newquay. Supper will sure taste good.


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys
Been thinking of you while relaxing in rare sunshine here! Hoping for a day at the beach with Elaine and Fergus tomorrow.
Go easy on those Cornish fish suppers!
Take care
The Ryans xxxxx
PS I asked my brother (who works in Falmouth) to look out for a beardy guy on a recumbent trike, but unfortuanely it seems he missed you. But apparently there is another beardy guy who cycles round Falmouth on a recumbent!

Big Sis said...

Hi you two!
Thinking of you and keeping an eye on the weather reports - wouldn't like you to get too wet!!
Also checking the blog at regular intervals - keep up the good work!
Love & kisses
See you Saturday

folkiebern said...

Not chivvy-ing you along
Or making you rush
But get home and you'll see
I've a new loo - and flush !
I'm not bragging you know
Fearing bike camper's wrath
There's a shower yet to go
Not to mention the bath !
And as you leave Cornwall
With Five wheels a- racin
If I'm really lucky
I might get a basin !!

Keep on peddling - and we'll keep blogging !
PBKT xxx

sheila macdonald said...

Hope all is going well, thinking of you lots, in Glasgow this Saturday as well!! Small world

Macdonalds xx

Geoff&Sue said...

Hope it's not been as damp today in the South West as it has in the North West (of England that is, before you Scots start getting all geographical!
Sue (she of Somerset extraction)wants to know if you're planning a coastal route, and has anyone mentioned Porlock Hill?
Let us know when you'll be at the nearest point to Stockport. We'll stand you supper and hand over some sponsorship.
Look out for your bottom bracket!