Monday, July 16, 2007

Just plodding!

Off the plane at Bristol, back to the bikes and thanks to our hosts for looking after them. A confusing ride around a quiet Bristol (thankfully we crossed it on a Sunday). I'm sure it was the map that had the wrong cycle-way number not my post wedding celebration head! Once across the Severn Bridge we inched our way uphill to the castle that is St. Braivel's youth hostel. This morning, after replacing Jamie's gear cable as he was rapidly losing gears yesterday, we rode on to Ross-on-Wye for lunch. A few more sharp hills on the small lanes brought us to south of Hereford and tonight's camp site. Great to be camping again - Jamie says the smell of meths, from the Trangia, will always remind him of this trip! Two shorter days due to hills and post wedding itis. Tomorrow, maybe some larger roads to get some miles under our belts after a good night's sleep.


Little Sis said...

Hi boys
I hope the wedding went ok and it didn't rain.
Your progress is being carefully watched from down-under!
I'm very excited about seeing you both in December.

folkiebern said...

As distance biking larks you've mastered
I'm part plumbed and now I'm plastered !
And as towards Worcester you'll be roving
I'll continue with my duster and anticipate coving.
So keep on clocking up those miles,
And I'll let you know when I've chosen the tiles !

Don't know who is in for the most epic adventure - you and your bikes or me and my bathroom !
Keep on pedalling !
Bern et al X