Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Well folks, we're back home at last!

An early start on Monday morning saw us pedalling up through Bettyhill by lunchtime. Strong nor'westerlies meant we were exceedingly glad to turn Eastwards, at least until we saw the size and steepness of the hills between Bettyhill and Thurso! Luckily, one of us is now very fit and had no trouble with them. We met up with Elaine and Fergus in Thurso (when we phoned Elaine to see where they had got to on their journey up to see us, it turned out we were almost in sight of each other), and decided, much to Jamie's disgust, to camp in Thurso and complete the last 21 miles to JoG on Tuesday morning. It transpired that it was not finishing that Jamie was desperate for, but the opportunity to do a 77 mile day!

On Tuesday morning we set off (complete with all our equipment - Jamie was determined that this trip was to be unsupported!) for JoG with instructions not to get there before 12.30 since Peter, who lives on Orkney, was coming across on the small ferry to JoG with his daughters to help welcome us. With this in mind, we deviated from the (flat) route to visit Dunnet Head, the most Northerly point on the mainland. A mere extra 10 hilly windy miles to round off the trip. We arrived at JoG at 1.15 to a heroes' welcome, complete with banner! Fergus had made this banner (with a little help from mum), so after a photo-opportunity, all retired to the cafe for much-needed grub.

After a round of the souvenir shops we waved goodbye to Peter and the girls and set off Southwards (in the car - we're not that stupid!), stopping for a huge meal at a pub in Tain, and getting home fairly knac... er, tired, at 11.30pm.

And that, as they say, was that!

In due course we'll add more photos to the blog, so come back in a few days and you should be able to see a more illuminated version of events.

Many thanks for all of your comments and support. These have been relayed to us by Elaine and it has been a great help at times of steepness/adverse winds/rain/all three.